Term 1, Week 7 – Online Safety

Friday 20th October
Online Safety This week, we have been reminding children about how to keep safe online ahead of the half term holiday. When talking to children about online safety, we use the SMART poster below. Can your child tell you what each letter of SMART stands for when thinking about keeping

Term 1, Week 6 – World Mental Health Day

Friday 13th October
World Mental Health Day This week we talked to children about Mental Health as part of our celebration of World Mental Health Day. In Monday’s assembly, Mrs Frappell talked to children about Mental Health being a Universal Human Right – the theme of this year’s World Mental Health Day.

Term 1, Week 5 – Attendance and Punctuality

Friday 6th October
What do we mean by attendance and punctuality? This week were talking to children about attendance and punctuality. In Monday’s assembly, daily reviews and Friday’s PSHE session, we discussed the following questions: What is punctuality? What time does the school day start? What is the impact (for children) of being late

Term 1, Week 4 – Fire Alarm

Friday 29th September
What do we do when we hear the fire alarm? This week talked to our children about the fire alarm – we showed them what it sounds like and what we need to do if and when it goes off. The following information was shared with all children: The

Term 1, Week 3 – Lanyards

Friday 22nd September
Lanyards It has been great to see so many of our children notice that we have changed our lanyards. Our lanyards now say ‘staff’ rather than ‘Begbrook’ on the ribbon. We explained to children this week that we had to change them because the ID cards that we wear

Term 1, Week 2 – 5 Safe Adults

Friday 15th September
5 Safe Adults This week we have been talking about 5 safe adults – who they are and why they are important. First we reminded the children about their rights (we talked about this lots last year!): We then explained to the children that safe adults are trusted

Term 1, Week 1 – Who are the Safeguarding Team?

Friday 8th September
Who are the Safeguarding Team? For our first safeguarding weekly theme of this Academic year, we have been talking to children about who the safeguarding team are. We will be reminding children that all adults are here to help and keep them safe and the safeguarding team help all adults