Term 5, Week 4 – Mental Health Awareness

Friday 10th May
Mental Health Awareness Next week if Mental Health Awareness week and so we have been talking to children about what mental health is and what we can do to maintain a positive mental health. We used the 5 Ways of Wellbeing initiative to support conversations about strategies for helping

Term 5, Week 3 – Child on Child Harm

Friday 3rd May
Child on Child Harm This week, we have been talking to children about child on child harm – what it is, what different types there are and what strategies we can use to avoid being physical when we are upset, angry or frustrated.   What is child on child

Term 5, Week 2 – Children’s Rights

Friday 26th April
Children’s Rights This week, we were talking to children about their rights: In Monday’s assembly, daily reviews and Friday’s PSHE session, we spent time talking to children about the different options they have to speak out and get help. Below are some of our ideas: Speak to one

Term 5, Week 1 – Who keeps us safe at lunchtime?

Friday 19th April
Our Lunchtime Leaders This week, we have been talking to our children about our lunchtime leaders. In daily reviews and Friday’s PSHE lesson, we have been sharing key information about our lunchtime leaders to help our children get to know them a bit better. Please find the information below

Term 4, Week 6 – Online Safety

Thursday 28th March
Online Safety We have been talking to children about how to keep safe online this week, as it is the last week of term and we know that our children will most likely have increased access to the internet during the holidays. From reception to Year 6, we have

Term 4, Week 5 – Attendance and Punctuality

Friday 22nd March
Attendance and Punctuality This week we have been thinking about the importance of attending school every day, on time. In Monday’s assembly, our daily review sessions and Friday’s PSHE lesson we talked to children about the following information: Having good attendance means coming to school, every day, ready to

Term 4, Week 4 – Domestic Abuse

Friday 15th March
Domestic Abuse This week we have been talking to children about what domestic abuse is and what they can do if they have or are experiencing it. We used the following definition to explain to children what domestic abuse is (you can use the same words to talk to

Term 4, Week 3 – Health and Safety

Friday 8th March
Health and Safety – keeping safe on our site This week we spent time talking to children about health and safety – what it is and what they can do to help keep our school safe. We shared the key information below with children in daily reviews and Friday’s

Term 4, Week 2 – Child on Child Harm

Friday 1st March
Child on Child Harm This week, we have been talking to children about child on child harm – what is it, what we do to try and prevent it from happening at Begbrook and what we do to manage it on the few unfortunate occasions that is does happen.

Term 4, Week 1 – Speak out. Stay Safe.

Friday 23rd February
Speak out. Stay Safe. This week we recapped important information from NSPCC’s Speak Out. Stay Safe programme. We reminded children about their rights: We talked about the ways in which they can Speak Out if they are feeling unsafe. These are: Talk to one of their 5x safe adults