Academy Ethos & Vision
When our children leave Begbrook, our aspirations would be that:
- They were a group of children who worked hard - understanding that the individual effort and practice they expended would directly lead to their success at tasks and grasping new ideas.
- They would have acquired broad and deep knowledge so that they were able to seek meaning and grow personally.
- They would have had extensive opportunities to exercise their creativity
- They would have experienced a purposeful, rich and joy-filled curriculum
- They would be confident orators with broad vocabularies.
- They would be comfortable to push themselves and would want to be challenged.
- They would persevere when faced with difficulties.
- They would be able to cooperate fully, understanding that to achieve their best they need the help of others.
- They would be children who have had their social and emotional needs met so that they can operate as functioning members of a school community, maintaining self-control even during difficult periods.
- They would be a group of children in which there had been early diagnosis and rapid intervention of any individual learning difficulty so that individual barriers would not have limited success in the classroom.
- They would be children who loved their school and wanted to be there so attending would be their preferred option.
- They would understand the cultural differences that exist within the school community and would celebrate them while contributing to The Values We Share at Begbrook.
The result of the above would be that they would not only believe, achieve and succeed exceptionally well, whatever their starting points and context, they would be fully prepared to meet the challenges of the next phase of their schooling.