Pupils at Begbrook Primary Academy explore the Romans

Pupils at Begbrook Primary Academy explore the Romans


Pupils at Begbrook Primary Academy recently embarked on an exciting historical journey, delving into the world of the Romans and discovering the importance of Julius Caesar.

This immersive experience brought history to life, allowing pupils to learn about one of the most important figures in ancient history through an innovative and engaging approach.

As part of their learning, the pupils took part in a puzzling crime scene task, where they acted as young detectives, piecing together clues from various sources of evidence.

This hands-on learning activity encouraged the children to make inferences, think critically, and draw conclusions based on the historical evidence provided.

The crime scene developed essential skills such as teamwork, problem-solving, and analytical thinking.

A spokesperson said: “This unique approach to learning sparked curiosity and excitement in our pupils, furthering a love for history and encouraging them to explore the past in creative and interactive ways.”

Begbrook Primary Academy is committed to providing enriching learning experiences that make education both fun and meaningful for its pupils.