Pupil Outcomes
2021/22 Data
End of KS2 results
KS2 combined 65% (all), 40% (PP)
KS2 reading 73% (all), 47% (PP)
KS2 writing 81% (all), 53% (PP)
KS2 maths 75% (all), 60% (PP)
End of KS1 results
KS1 combined 67% (all) 40% (PP)
KS1Reading 76% (all) 53% (PP)
KS1 Writing 67% (all), 40% (PP)
KS1 Maths 76% (all), 53 % (PP)
Y1 phonics results
82% all
70% PP
EYFS GLD results
GLD = 63% (all)
GLD = 33% (PP)
2016/17 Data
Percentage of pupils who have achieved the expected standard in reading: 68%
Percentage of pupils who have achieved the expected standard in writing: 82%
Percentage of pupils who have achieved the expected standard in maths: 82%
Percentage of pupils who have achieved the expected standard in Reading, Writing and Maths combined: 58%
Average progress from KS1 to KS2 in reading: -0.37
Average progress from KS1 to KS2 in writing: 2.43
Average progress from KS1 to KS2 in maths: 3.95
Percentage of pupils who achieved higher standard in reading: 25
Percentage of pupils who achieved higher standard in writing: 20
Percentage of pupils who achieved higher standard in maths: 28
Percentage of pupils who have achieved the higher standard in Reading, Writing and Maths combined: 10
Pupils average score in reading test: 100
Pupils average score in maths test: 102