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Year 2

Welcome to Year 2! This is a really exciting year, full of interesting learning topics! Here are some highlights:

  • being scientists and learning all about our planet, Earth, and its place in the Solar System.
  • being historians and finding out how life has changed since the Victorian Era. We even celebrate our own Victorian Christmas! We also explore the influences that the Victorians had on our city.
  • being authors and following the journey of The Snail and the Whale, exploring how Julia Donaldson paints a picture with her words.
  • being geographers and understanding our location in our city, our country and our continent. Get ready to learn a VERY catchy continents song!
  • being artists and exploring how different artists use colour to convey emotion.

If government guidelines allow, we hope to be able to visit Isambard Kingdom Brunel’s iconic S.S. Great Britain as part of our learning as historians. We will also visit The Wild Place Project to observe animal adaptations up close.

KS1 Reading Parent Meeting 1.11.22