Term 6, Week 2 – Evacuation Drill

Term 6, Week 2 - Evacuation Drill

Evacuation Drill

This week we talked to children about our evacuation drill – what it is and why it is important to practise evacuating our building.

We shared the following information with children in Monday’s assembly and our daily review sessions:

  • There may be a time where we need to leave the school site because it is unsafe – this could be due to a fire inside and outside of the building or another problem such as a gas leak.
  • It is very unlikely that this will happen, but it is good to practice what we would need to do – just in case!
  • We know it is an evacuation drill when the school bell rings continuously.
  • When this happens, we need to leave our school site as quickly, calmly and safely as possible.
  • Just like you do in a fire drill, you need to line up in your classroom remembering not to take anything with you – the most important thing is that we get YOU out safely.
  • All classes will then walk quietly along the pavement in single file (one long line) to the Begbrook Carpark Social Club. Don’t worry if you don’t know where this is, there will be lots of adults there to show you where to go.
  • When you arrive at the car park, you need to line up in front of your teacher in silence. This is so we can take the registers to make sure that all children are out of the building safely.
  • Once we have taken all the registers, we will walk sensibly back to school.
  • If it were a real evacuation drill, we would wait until Mr Younger, Mr Briggs and Mr Henley tell us that it is safe to go back to school


Term 6, Week 2 - Evacuation Drill