Term 4, Week 3 – Health and Safety

Term 4, Week 3 - Health and Safety

Health and Safety – keeping safe on our site

This week we spent time talking to children about health and safety – what it is and what they can do to help keep our school safe. We shared the key information below with children in daily reviews and Friday’s safeguarding weekly theme lesson:

Term 4, Week 3 - Health and Safety

What can we do to keep safe inside our school?

We encouraged the children to think about how we can make our school safe. Some examples are: tucking in chairs, hanging up coats, picking things up from the floor.


Term 4, Week 3 - Health and Safety

What can we do to keep safe in our playground and around the outside of our school?

We encouraged the children to think about how we can keep our site safe. Some examples are: pushing bikes and scooters – not riding them on our site, putting rubbish in the bin, playing with outdoor equipment in a safe way and storing it safely in the sheds.


Term 4, Week 3 - Health and Safety

What can you do if you notice something that is unsafe?

We explained to children that if they notice something that is unsafe then it is really important for them to tell a school grown-up. The grown-ups will tell Mr Younger, Mr Briggs and Mr Henley so that it can get fixed as quickly as possible.


Term 4, Week 3 - Health and Safety