Term 3, Week 4 – Neglect
This week, we spent time talking to children about neglect, using the following script:
Every child has the right to be looked after properly. If a child is not getting the important things they need at home, they could be being neglected.
There’s a difference between things we want and things we need. Some people might want a new games console. Or a new phone.
But these aren’t things you need. You need things like enough to eat and drink. And protection from danger. And clean clothes. Your parents or carers should make sure you have these things.
You also shouldn’t have to spend a lot of time looking after other people in your family without getting any support from an adult.
Every young person needs:
• clothes that are clean and warm and shoes that fit and keep you dry
• enough to eat and drink
• protection from dangerous situations
• somewhere warm, dry and comfortable to sleep
• help when you’re ill or you’ve been hurt
• love and care from your parents or carers
• support with your education
• access and help with medication if needed.
There could be lots of reasons why a child is being neglected. The family may be doing their best but they might just not have enough money or maybe the parents/carers are having problems with their physical or mental health.
Whatever is happening is not the child’s fault and the child can get help.
What can you do if you’re worried about you, or someone you know, being neglected?
• Speak to one of your 5 safe adults
• Write a note in your class chatterbox
• Speak to someone in our safeguarding team
• Call ChildLine on 0800 1111
We used the ChildLine website to support conversations in our daily review and Friday’s safeguarding session (there is lots of helpful info written in a child-friendly way) –