Term 2, Week 5 – Physical harm
Physical Harm
Across the year we have mapped out opportunities to talk to children about the four different types of harm, in an age appropriate-way and using child-friendly resources. This week we have been talking to children about physical harm – what it is and what children can do to get help if they’re worried about it.
In daily reviews and Friday’s safeguarding weekly theme session, we used the following information to talk to children about physical harm:
What is physical harm?
Physical harm, or abuse, is when some hurts or harms a child or young person on purpose. This includes:
• hitting with hands or objects
• slapping and punching
• kicking
• shaking
• throwing something at the child or young person
What can you do if you’re worried about physical harm? (if you think you have been physically harmed or if you are worried about someone else being physically harmed)
It is REALLY important to tell someone. You have the right to be safe, be heard and to get help when you need it. You can do this by:
• Talking to one of your 5 safe adults
• Talking to someone in the safeguarding team
• Write a note in your chatterbox
• Call childline 08001111