Term 2, Week 2 – Anti-Bullying Week

Term 2, Week 2 - Anti-Bullying Week


On Monday, we talked about the theme of ‘kindess and inclusion’ as part of anti-bullying week and on Tuesday, we wore odd socks to celebrate difference and diversity. As part of anti-bullying week, our safeguarding weekly theme has focused on teaching children about child on child harm – what it is, what we do to prevent it and what action we take when it happens.

In daily reviews and Friday’s PSHE session, we used the following information to teach children about child on child harm:

 What is child on child harm? Child on child harm is when a child or group of children deliberately/intentionally harm/hurt another child or group of children. This can be physically, emotionally, verbally and in person or online. (If bullying is mentioned, it is important that child understand that bullying is when a child on child incident happens repeatedly – a child/group of children are targeted again and again). Bullying is a form of child on child harm but not every child on child incident is bullying.

 What is our approach to preventing and managing child on child harm at Begbrook?  Child on child harm is not ok and is not tolerated at Begbrook. As Begbrook citizens, we manage our feelings and problems. We reminded children about our child on child poster (displayed in our classrooms) and discussed the ways in which we try and prevent child on child harm as well as the actions we take to manage it when it does happen.

Term 2, Week 2 - Anti-Bullying Week

 What strategies can we use to prevent child on child incidents at BPA? We explained to children that we have noticed some physical child on child incidents happening at Begbrook – this is not ok. It is ok for children to feel cross and frustrated but it is not ok for children to hurt other children. What strategies can we think of to help us when we are feeling frustrated and cross?


Advice and Guidance for Families

Please follow the links below for more information about child on child harm, including bullying:


