Term 1, Week 5 – Fire Alarm

Term 1, Week 5 - Fire Alarm

Fire Alarm

This week we have been talking to children about what to do in the event of the fire alarm going off. We listened to the alarm and talked about the following process:

  • When the alarm goes off, everyone needs to leave the building as quickly and as calmly as possible.
  • Sometimes the alarm will go off because we need to practice getting out of the building safely, sometimes the alarm will go off because of a fault, sometimes the alarm will go off because there is a fire. No matter what the reason is, we always follow the same process.
  • When the alarm goes off, everyone must leave the building through the nearest fire exit (show children fire exit image on safeguarding weekly theme poster).
  • We must leave the building one at a time, in a line, leaving everything behind.
  • It is really important that you listen to adults and keep your voices away.
  • Preschool, Reception, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 will line up on the main playground.
  • Year 1 and Year 2 will line up on the MUGA.
  • The last person out of the classroom must shut the door behind them.
  • The site team and safeguarding team will sweep the building to check everyone has left.
  • When in lines on the main playground/MUGA, adults will call the register. Children must answer as quickly as possible.
  • Everyone will wait outside until the site team tell us that it is safe to go back inside.