Term 4, Week 5 – Attendance and Punctuality
Attendance and Punctuality
This week we have been thinking about the importance of attending school every day, on time.
In Monday’s assembly, our daily review sessions and Friday’s PSHE lesson we talked to children about the following information:
- Having good attendance means coming to school, every day, ready to do your learning
- Being punctual means arriving on time, every day, ready to do your learning
- It is important to attend school, on time, every day because we have lots of important learning to do. For each day that you miss of school, you miss about 6 hours of learning. You will need to catch up on this learning when you are back in school, which can feel a bit worrying.
- Arriving on time means you can follow a consistent routine which helps us to feel confident and secure at the start of the day.
- If you are in school every day, and on time, you will know and understand the important messages about the day and if there is anything different or unusual happening. It also means you can say hello to your friends at the start of the day.
- There are lots of great things happening at school such as Bristol Sport, wear your own clothes days and fun learning in the classroom – we don’t want you to miss out on these things!
- Our Safeguarding Team work with teachers to check attendance numbers for all children at Begbrook (this means the number of days you have been in school for).